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A Shoulder to Lean On

Over the centuries, a tradition has grown that it is the right, privilege, and duty of every Catholic to seek burial in a Catholic cemetery. However, living amid changing circumstances has resulted in changing perceptions in some regarding the relevance of the Catholic cemetery.

While the Church has moved away from a legislative stance and no longer mandates that all Catholics be buried in Catholic cemeteries, the reasons for maintaining and using Catholic cemeteries are as powerful and compelling as ever. The usual and proper place for the burial of Catholics is still a Catholic cemetery.

Because of the values contained in the Church's burial tradition, burying Catholics within Catholic cemeteries affirms faith in the Resurrection. It also offers both consolation and hope to friends, family, and other believers in the community. Ultimately, it is an act of grace.

During times of grief and loss, it can be challenging to feel at peace. Cincinnati Catholic Cemetery Society seeks to comfort those grieving a loved one by offering grief counseling services to Cincinnati families. Sometimes, you just need a shoulder to lean on.

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Caring Voices Grief Counseling

With Caring Voices, you can anonymously talk to a professional grief counselor any time of day, 365 days a year. Talk as long as you like and call as often as you need. Caring Voices is offered as a complimentary service through Cincinnati Catholic Cemetery Society, so there's no cost to you.
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A Caring Organizer When You Need One

No one wants to think about preparing for the end of life. With the Caring Organizer, you'll give your loved ones the ultimate gift: all of the information they need to close down accounts, notify organizations of your death, and more. We offer the Caring Organizer to you as a free resource.
burial plots and memorial plot at CCCS cemetery